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Become the biggest Chad by accumulating the largest % of the CHADS token supply. 


Selling or transferring CHADS is a virgin move, so the system will burn a percentage of your CHADS according to what price you moved it. This will be determined by a burn curve - the lower the price that you sell at, the more of your CHADS tokens are burnt. 


51% of burnt CHADS will be sent to the burn address, 49% held in a reserve account and given to true Chads (details in future announcement). The total supply of CHADS is therefore deflationary and decreases with every transfer. Only buying CHADS does not burn CHADS and this is the only exception.




Percentage burned = 50 / (Price multiple from Uniswap listing price)

Max value = 50 (50 % burned)

Min value = 0.5 (so 0.5% is burned regardless of how high X is)






40.6% Initial Liquidity Pool (28M tokens) 

29% Uniswap Pool (20M tokens)

15.9% marketing/ecosystem rewards (11M tokens)

10.1% Dapp Development (7M tokens)

4.3% Team (3M tokens)



Total Raise - 150 ETH - all liquidity locked in Uniswap pool via smart contract


Chads.Limited — The finest NFT collectibles

Chads.Limited leverages the power of blockchain collectibles and the Chad vs virgin dynamic. We know there are a ton of virgins in crypto, so why not give the few Chads recognition?


Chadly participants pool their CHADS and ETH together on Uniswap to receive UNI-V2 LP tokens. Then approve the LP tokens for staking on Chads.Limited and stake them to earn Chadlets.

Chadlets are the currency used to mint NFTs on Chads.Limited. NFTs range from common (69 Chadlets, 1000/1000) to artist (2500 Chadlets, 3/3) with some special editions being 4200 Chadlets.  The minimum amount you can stake is 16 LP tokens to earn 1 Chadlet per day and the maximum is 8000 LP tokens to earn 500 Chadlets per day.

The Chads of DeFi series is the staple product of

True Chads understand that art extends well beyond the crypto world. NFTs have so much more potential than just a small group of crypto virgins.

As such, Chads.Limited will constantly add new NFTs by established artists.  We focus on artists that are thriving in the art world, who are not limited to the crypto space, many of whom are making their first step into the NFT space.  






Chadswap & STACY

Chadswap is a collaboration between and on a cross-chain smart-AMM solution for decentralized exchanges. If you’ve had issues with virgin impermanent loss, this will be the chadly solution.

To encourage the movement of economic activity into the wider blockchain universe, Chadswap will be structured in three phases:

PHASE I: Liquidity mining — hand-picked pair liquidity providers are be able to mine STACY, the governance token for CHADSWAP, over an approximately 3–6 week period by staking LP tokens.

PHASE II: Ethereum-based AMM — all liquidity to be migrated from Uniswap over to CHADSWAP’s Ethereum-based AMM. This AMM will have several advantages to Uniswap

PHASE III: Cross-chain AMM — as the Polkadot ecosystem matures and parachain swap standards become widespread, we will move all liquidity in our Ethereum-based AMM to wrapped equivalents on Polkadot to enable swaps between these wrapped equivalents, parachain tokens, and wrapped tokens from other blockchains.

Chadswap vs Uniswap

Chadswap is superior to virgin Uniswap. Uniswap’s AMM model unfairly penalizes liquidity providers (the people that should be rewarded), allowing virgin bots to profit off of arbitrage fees at their expense.

Chadswap’s Phase II Ethereum-based smart AMM fixes this issue by using chad Chainlink oracle-based reference prices to guide AMM price quotes. This leads to a more efficient market.

On top of that, the AMM design allows adding and removing liquidity using only one coin in the LP. Only for coins which do not have a Chainlink reference price available will Chadswap default to Uniswap’s model. As oracle services become widespread Chadswap will transition more and more pairs to the chadly model.

The STACY token is the governance token of Chadswap.

STACY has unique tokenomics because she is a sophisticated girl.

STACY has pioneered perpetual yield farming without inflation.


MAX supply: 1,000,000,000

There are a minimum of at least 14 STACYs per CHADS, as it should be. The number of STACYs per Chad is always increasing, just like in real life.

STACY incentivizes liquidity providers by providing yield to the pools shown on Chadswap.Finance. The launch pools were: STACY/ETH, CHADS/ETH, eMTRG/ETH, ETH/USDC, ETH/WBTC.




What is the CHADS token?


The CHADS token is a social experiment designed to teach virgins how to trade like a chad.  It is a deflationary coin utilizing a novel burn curve mechanism. The lower the price you sell or transfer CHADS, the more of your tokens are burnt. Only buying CHADS does not burn CHADS and this is the only exception.


What is the CHADS token supply?


69 million CHADS will be initially minted. This is the only time CHADS will ever be created. The deflationary nature of CHADS means that the supply will always be decreasing. Unburnt tokens at the time of Moonbeam launch will be swapped 1:1 to the Moonbeam network, where the same token economics will apply.


Is Chads.VC building on Polkadot?


Yes, CHADS token belongs on a Chad blockchain. We are launching a provisional ERC-20 token which will be swappable 1:1 for a mainnet token on the Moonbeam Network upon launch.


How can I get CHADS tokens?


Market buy CHADS on Uniswap like a true Chad


Who’s building CHADS?


We are an anonymous group of crypto traders, designers, and Chads who have created this token as a service to the crypto community.

How does the burn curve work?


CHADS uses a novel burn curve calculated using the Uniswap V2 Price Oracle, which will be based on the 1-hour TWAP (Time-weighted average price) of the CHADS/ETH price in our designated Uniswap pool. The price multiple (current price / initial listing price) determines how many tokens are burnt on each sell or transfer of CHADS. The lower the multiple, the more tokens are burned. In this way, CHADS rewards true Chads and punishes weak-handed virgins. 51% of burnt CHADS are sent to the burn address, and 49% are sent to a reserve account to be distributed to true chads.


The burn curve function is Percentage burned = 50 / (Price multiple from Uniswap listing price)

The maximum amount of tokens burned is 50% and the minimum is 0.5%, so the supply is always decreasing no matter how high the price of CHADS goes.

Why should I buy CHADS?


Like many tokens, CHADS may have value but should be considered primarily as a social experiment. More importantly, CHADS is an investment in yourself as buying CHADS will teach you how to trade like a Chad.  You can be a Chad...or you can be a virgin.

Where does the STACY yield come from?

1. Transfer fees: 2% of STACY’s transactions go into the rewards pool for Chadswap subsidized LPs.

2. Popping the Cherry: 1% of the STACY from the liquidity pool get redistributed back to Chadswap subsidized LPs. The ETH in the pool stays the same, which essentially causes a rebase of 1% per day only within the liquidity pool.

What is "Popping the Cherry"?

Stacy doesn’t just let any virgin nerds pop her cherry. To pop the cherry you must hold either 10,000 CHADS or 1,000 eMTRG (ERC20 tokens). Whoever pops Stacy’s cherry receives 1% (adjustable) of the STACY yield redistributed to stakers during that time period.

Cherry Pop formula:

-   1% of the pool burned per day, linearly (constant amount burning, averaging out to 1% per day)

-   Whenever someone pops the cherry, the pro-rata amount since the last pop will be redistributed from the pool to stakers, and 1% of that amount to cherry poppers

-   Thus, the more time that has gone by since the last pop, the more tokens the popper receives

Example: 500 million STACY in pool, 5 million burned in 24 hours. 5 million / 86,400 seconds in a day = 57.87 STACY redistributed per second. If it has been 2 hours since the last pop, that would be 57.87*7200 seconds = ~417,000 STACY redistributed from the pool, with 1% going to the popper.

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